Silfath Pinto

Silfath Pinto

Unveiling new ways of living, loving and leading, powered by love, anchored in ancient wisdom.

I am a magical living alchemist

My Journey

Silfath is a practitioner of the Healing Arts and Sacred Feminine Wisdom Keeper. She has spent the last 13 years elevating women worldwide, from London to Paris, Bali to Dubai, Abidjan to New York through her LuminEssence process, a unique fusion of Body Energetics, Energy Healing and Cellular Reprogramming, which supports her clients in stepping into their brilliance and becoming happiness alchemists.

Silfath is a trailblazer called to anchor the Sacred Feminine codes on Earth. She moved to Dubai in 2013, answering the call from Spirit to restore the Divine Feminine Frequency in the region, teaching shamanic and tantric wisdom when yoga was barely getting started there.

Her clients have blossomed in their personal and professional lives: from changing jobs to starting new careers, from letting go of the past to moving to a new city, from finding their soulmate to improving family relationships, from loving their bodies to flourishing in radical self-love.

They call Silfath an energy shifter, a soul whisperer, an adorable giggler, and a magic maker.

In her passionate quest to empower men and women to create uplifting and lasting changes, Silfath is constantly researching and growing in the fields of Energy Alchemy, Quantum Physics and Bio Energetics. She is trained in various transformative modalities, including Dance Therapy, Yin Yoga, Tantric tradition, Shamanic Journeys, Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing, Theta Healing®, and Reiki.

Through my work and my own personal journey,
this is what became clear to me:

The key to being happy is to cultivate a deep, loving and honest relationship with yourself. Engaging in a magical self-love affair generates wholeness and happiness. Life is not about going through the motion. It’s about dreaming, daring and loving. We are not here to settle or survive, we are here to shine and thrive. Embracing your divine feminine essence will add power, pleasure and magic in your life. It’s time to savor a better balance through emotions, surrender, flow, receptivity, intuition.



I believe in making peace with the past, and turning wounds into wonders by releasing the drama and reclaim our power. I believe in understanding the beauty of our unfolding in order to be in full ownership of who we are. 

I believe every woman who rises in radiance becomes a gift to her community. She is a pillar for the nourishment and evolution of the collective.  Strong and delicate. Rare and magical. Unique and beautiful. My mission is to help every woman I work with embrace her brilliance and shine.

I believe in the wisdom in our feminine body. A woman can’t be in her light if she feels like a stranger in her body. Understanding, loving and listening to our body brings us in balance, creating a mind, body and spirit harmony.

I believe in making everyday magical. Pleasure. Passion. Play. Because today is really all we have. That’s why I transform the mundane and the practical into moment of pure pleasure where you are reminded how sacred you are, how magical life is. Presence. Practices and rituals.

I believe in taking responsibility for our brilliance. Living in your magnificence is a delicious and serious endeavor. No quick fix. Having the discipline to be free. Commitment and dedication. Sweet.

My Inspiration

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~ Marianne Williamson

Ready to embody your light and shine?

Choose Your Path  To   Reclaim

YOUR Feminine Magic



Egypt Initiation
November 14-21

Private Mentoring Program

Awakening the Bliss Body
Training 1 - 4
Training 1 begins on September 21