healing with the
divine masculine
WITH 2 conscious men:
Kevin and Boris
When the heart of the masculine and the heart of the feminine
meet in a divine dance of deep and authentic relating,
a magnetic field of love is created. This field is
a container
full of magic, symbiosis and possibilities.
In this 1-day healing journey, you will understand AND heal the different layers
of your wounding with the Masculine. Through each step of the process,
you will open your energy field to welcome magic, symbiosis
and sacred relating with the Masculine.
You will release old programs and patterns as you heal the past
+ remember the foundations of feminine/masculine polarity
+ open yourself to higher frequencies of love and relationships.
You will remember that cultivating sacred relationships
that bring more expansion, joy and peace into your life.

The Magic you will unravel:
– Entering the Circle: heart opening ceremony
– Embracing Sacred intimacy: cultivate deep profound connection as you drop
the masks, the stories and the barriers to be seen in your true magnificence, to be loved and to love.
– Lifting the Veil: identifying and releasing limiting beliefs and old patterns
– Cutting cords: letting go of past lovers with clarity, gratitude and grace
– Restoring the Source: understanding and healing the Father Wound
– Love Activation with Boris: a transmission on compassion, forgiveness and true connection
– Sacred Love Manifestation: clarifying, embodying and manifesting Your Vision of Love.
– Love Activation with Kevin: Q&A and healing prayer
– Inner Marriage Ceremony: it all starts from within.

Cutting Cords Ritual: a healing practice aimed at releasing emotional and energetic attachments to past lovers, allowing you to let go of lingering feelings or negative patterns. This process involves reflecting on the relationship with clarity, expressing gratitude for the lessons learned, and gracefully severing ties to create space for new love and personal growth. By doing so, you can free yourself from past burdens and open your heart to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
Understanding and healing the Father Wound: unbalance in relationships with the masculine often stems from the Father Wound when unresolved emotional issues from childhood manifest as trust difficulties, fear of abandonment, or the tendency to seek validation from male figures. This emotional backdrop often lead to unhealthy dynamics in relationships. You will be guided on a journey to meet your father or father figure in a safe and supportive environment. This encounter allows you to confront and release unresolved emotions and express feelings you may have never shared. Your Healing Dialogue with your father figure may involve forgiveness, expressing gratitude for lessons learned, or stating boundaries that were never established. The focus is on reclaiming personal power and establishing a sense of closure. Through this journey, you break free from unhealthy relational patterns and open yourself to healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future.
Love Activations sessions with Boris and Kevin: 2 beautiful conscious men join the retreat to activate higher vibration of the Masculine for you. Boris shares his journey to heal and call in love, Kevin shared about holding space for men through the Sacred Sons organization in the US and answered questions from the women attendees. His session ended with a powerful healing prayer for UNION.
This course is for you if:
* You have experienced emotional distance, neglect, or trauma in your relationship with your father or father figure, and it's affecting your self-esteem and relationships with men.
* You struggle with feelings of unworthiness or lack of validation, seeking to cultivate self-acceptance and self-love.
* You find yourself repeating unhealthy relationship patterns, especially around trust and intimacy, due to past experiences with your father.
* You're ready to confront unresolved emotions tied to your father wound and release the pain, anger, or sadness you've been holding onto.
* You want to break free from the influence of your past and develop a healthier, more balanced sense of self and relationships.
* You're seeking to establish closure, forgiveness, and inner peace regarding your father or father figure, and reclaim your personal power.
* You desire to open yourself to deeper love, healthier relationship dynamics, and greater emotional freedom by healing the father wound.

from the tantric and shamanic wisdom
to create deep shifts:

– Breathwork
– Trauma healing journey
– Sound immersion
– Feminine Alchemy practices
– Shadow work and inner child restoration
– Tantric Breath Activation for Creation
– Movement therapy and nervous system balancing
– Cellular upgrades and DNA activation exercises
– Mindset reprogramming techniques
– Sacred Ceremonies and rituals
We remember the perfect symbiosis of our polarities..
opening our hearts, releasing old patterns, remembering playfulness,
deepening our capacity to LOVE and BE LOVED…
My love,
Your yearning for sacred union is holy
You desire to be met fully is to be honored
This is your soul calling you to
Embark on an eye opening and heartwarming
exploration of Sacred Union
– within yourself and in your relationships

This 1-day retreat was part of a series of journeys
I led for women who are calling Sacred Love.
If you would like to continue on Sacred Union Journey
at your own pace, you might feel called to experience:
- Open to love: 2-hour moon ceremony
- Healing with the divine masculine: a 1-day initiation with 2 guests

open to love: 2-hour moon ceremony
This Ceremony is an activation: unveiling the limiting beliefs you might have about love, relationships and men for you to start opening to the Sacred Union frequency.

Preparing for sacred union: a 1-day initiation with 3 guests
This retreat is an initiation to prepare your mind, body and soul for Sacred Union and call in the relationship you desire.

the feminine way
Activate your inner feminine magic to transform, create and channel. In this masterclass, we are entering the deep mystery/alchemy of desires. Here, you are guided to release FEMININE WOUNDS and OLD ILLUSIONS preventing you from being a true Creatrix. And remember the feminine power of transformation and creation.
About Silfath Pinto
I am a magical living alchemist, an artist and a visionary
Life is not about going through the motion. It’s about dreaming, daring and loving. We are not here to settle or survive, we are here to shine and thrive.
The key to being happy is to cultivate a deep, loving and honest relationship with life. Engaging in a magical love affair with every experience generates wholeness and happiness.
Embracing your divine feminine essence will add power, pleasure and magic in your life. It’s time to savor a better balance through emotions, surrender, flow, receptivity, intuition, sexual alchemy, womb magic and inner marriage.