Finding your passions and unique gifts


There\’s this woman who came to my dance class. She is a beautiful mover. She is absolutely not aware of it.

There\’s this woman who is a talented makeup artist and never saw herself as a creative person. Until last week.

There\’s this woman who takes amazing pictures. She captures light. She sees reflections. She sees beauty. She realized she has natural gift. A month ago. But she is still not sure. (see picture above)

There is this woman who went to a writing for entrepreneur workshop and laughed really hard when she was asked to write poetry. And she discovered there was a poet sleeping inside.  And she has embraced it. That woman was me. Yep! I love to write poetry.

We are all born with natural talents, gifts  and abilities but too often we are not aware of them, we take them for granted or we don\’t give enough space in our lives to explore and discover those hidden gifts.

I believe within every woman there\’s a healer, a creatrix, a dancer and a writer… Beyond that, every single person on this planet is a unique combination of talents, gifts and passions. The more we are in touch with our brilliance, the more fulfilled, alive, inspired, serene and whole we become.

Are you in touch with your brilliance? Are you aware of all the beauty, creativity, passion you have? In my weekend retreat, we write poetry and the attendees are often stunned by the beauty of the words they are writing. The moments where they share their poems is always magical and very emotional.

So, I invite you start exploring and unveiling your brilliance. Stop doubting. Start embracing.

Where to start?

Listen to the yearning within: Is there something that has been calling you for a while? A country, an activity, a person?

Rapid learnings: Louise Hay was a dropout at school and she always thought she wasn\’t smart until she discovered metaphysics in her 30s and since then she has been an avid learner.

Satisfaction and pleasure: You lose track of time. Feel alive, passionate and inspired when you are engaged in a certain activity, when you visit a certain place, when you read about a specific topic.

Envy and jealousy: Every emotion is a messenger. When you feel jealousy and envy, sometimes, there is a yearning there (back to the first sign above).

I hope you allocate time and energy to explore your passions, gifts and talents and make the world brighter with your sparkle.

So, please take the take the space below to reflect and share on your passions and unique gifts.

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