In My Body
Moving meditation
You are ready to unveil the wisdom of your body
through a beautiful practice I have been
teaching and evolving for the last 13 years: "IN MY BODY".
Enjoy you free Moving meditation!
We spent years at school refining the mind and ignoring the body... now it’s time for us to remember that the ENERGY BODY is an important part of the equation. The IN MY BODY Moving Meditation is an invitation to embrace a more balanced way of living. It's a tool for you to realize why energy isn’t flowing in your body and in your life, for you to start working in partnership with your body, truly connecting and listening!!
Return home to your Inner Temple to be more grounded, more radiant and more connect to the wisdom encoded in your DNA. Yes, your codes are encrypted in your DNA... in your cells... in your body. Enlightenment isn’t about getting out of the body, it’s about accessing and expressing your our divinity in this body, in this reality.
This FREE 20 minute Moving Meditation is an introduction to IN MY BODY, an embodied practice for you to return home to your body. tune in. turn on. light up.
is the art of listening deeply
to the whispers of the body.
"In MY BODY" is a sacred dance where body and mind unite,
flowing with breath and awareness.
Each inhale brings vitality, infusing every cell,
while each exhale releases tension and illusion.
We surrender to the wisdom embedded in our cellular.

going deeper in your somatic exploration:
If you enjoyed this meditation and would like
a longer version to go even deeper, get
the full IN MY BODY Moving Meditation for $ 8.88
Unveiling more of
your feminine magic.
What is Your Next Step?
Gently explore the descriptions below to sense what might be the next beautiful step to embody more your Feminine Magic and lead your life in mastery and radiance. Trust yourself and feel into what resonates as your next step.

WOMB awakening course
Discover the source of your feminine power.
Your capacity to receive all the blessings coming your way, to manifest a luscious and delicious life is directly influenced by the relationship you have with your WOMB SPACE. This is a FREE OFFERING.

Reclaiming sacred sexuality
Moon Ceremonies Bundle
Sexual Energy is the energy of rebirth and creation. Love is the power that heals and elevates.
We are living a great time of ending and rebirth. Now more than ever it is important that we heal primordial energies to support our expansion. This is the time to step into a new cycle of being Empowered and Activated in the potency of Sexual Energy. Enjoy 5 hours of deep healing and elevated awareness for 48.88 USD.

Private Mentoring
If you would like more 1:1 support, Silfath offers different levels for women who are ready to lead in majesty and step into their power.

Egypt sacred initiation
Join us for a journey of a lifetime in Egypt to experience temple activations, ceremonies, soul alchemy meditations and sacred leadership initiations.
About Silfath Pinto
I am a magical living alchemist, an artist and a visionary
Life is not about going through the motion. It’s about dreaming, daring and loving. We are not here to settle or survive, we are here to shine and thrive.
The key to being happy is to cultivate a deep, loving and honest relationship with life. Engaging in a magical love affair with every experience generates wholeness and happiness.
Embracing your divine feminine essence will add power, pleasure and magic in your life. It’s time to savor a better balance through emotions, surrender, flow, receptivity, intuition, sexual alchemy, womb magic and inner marriage.