When working in harmony, the Sacred Union of the Divine
Feminine and Masculine can unite, heal and create ANYTHING!!!
The synergy created by this balanced union catalyzes the forces of creation into manifestation. The love that is possible when birthed from this union is that of the unconditional sacred heart of Divine Source.
This is the Tantric Wisdom I have been teaching in the last 13 years and I have seen how remembering and activating the magic of Sacred Union and Relationships is a powerful medicine that will elevate us in this time of great change.

OPEN TO LOVE is a sacred space
where attendees can release conscious and unconscious fears,
connect with their hearts, and open themselves
to giving and receiving love more freely.
This Ceremony is an activation: unveiling the limiting beliefs you might have about love, relationships and men for you to start opening to the Sacred Union frequency.
- Opening Ceremony
- Healing Transmission: The Sacred Union of Divine Feminine and Masculine
- Journaling prompts for awareness and realizations
- Shamanic Journey: Inner Child Healing
- Inner Marriage Somatic Journey: Balancing left (feminine) and right (masculine) energetically
- Embodied Ecstatic Movement
- Inner Marriage Dance
- Prayer for peace and healing in the world
- Full Moon messages
- Blessings
‘Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it.’

Shamanic Journey: Inner Child Healing is a powerful ritual designed to help you reconnect with your inner child, heal past emotional wounds, and open yourself to receiving and giving love more freely. The journey involves guided visualization, music, and deep introspection, tapping into the subconscious to access and release memories and traumas that may be blocking your ability to live with an open heart.
Inner Marriage Somatic Journey: Balancing the Left (Feminine) and Right (Masculine) Energetically is designed to help you harmonize the feminine (left side) and masculine (right side) within you, aligning these dual aspects to create a sense of wholeness and openness to love. By addressing energetic imbalances, you can cultivate healthier, more integrated relationships with yourself and others. During this somatic experience, you become aware of the energetic imbalances between your left (feminine) and right (masculine) sides. Through gentle movement, breathwork, and body scanning, you are guided to notice where you feel tension, contraction, or imbalance in your body.