Womb Awakening
Meditation & Ceremony
Discover the power of your sacred feminine
with the Womb Awakening Bundle, which includes:
Womb Presence audio meditation
Womb Magic replay ceremony
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the Womb Awakening Bundle

This guided journey invites you to reconnect with your womb space, to realize what no longer serves you + to awaken your receptivity and creativity.
In essence, reconnecting with Womb Wisdom
is at the heart of rising in balance and radiance.

This reconnection is even more essential
for women who experience:
painful periods or intercourses unbalance in the reproductive systemdisconnection with their monthly cyclesfeeling drained, uninspired and stuckdifficulty receiving love and abundance

For too long, women have been disconnected to the beauty and magic of being a woman. Reclaiming fully who we are implies reclaiming fully our womb space as she is the seat of our feminine wisdom.
My dear Sister, return Home and embrace your inner sanctum. Because we haven't been initiated in the womb rituals and journeys to cultivate magic, the womb is often cluttered with old traumas and unresolved emotions. This affects our capacity to move forward, blossom and welcome new energies in our lives.

This Ceremony is an invitation to come into wholeness and transform wounds into wonders.
What is covered:
** Transmission on wisdom of the womb, intelligence
of the Feminine body and how to harness it to live more in flow
** Womb healing meditation
** Feminine Magic Movement
** Sharing and closing circle
This is your time to pause, breathe,
and journey inward, reconnecting with
your feminine power at its source.

I feel really more powerful, I feel more solid, more anchored and it's as if I had discovered this constant source of energy.

I felt relieved, I felt bigger, I felt free, I felt liberated. Liberated is the word. That was a big a-ha moment for me.

This month has just shown me that I'm actually a really, really, really incredible human being. And I believed that for the first time. It doesn't feel like I'm performing when I say it, it doesn't feel like I'm doing it for the hype. It actually feels like I believe it, and I wanna celebrate that.

When I think of the energy of that retreat on Sunday, it sets the tone for that knowledge, that everything I desire is possible. Everything, even if they seem contradictory, they're not. It's all infinite, limitless and possible.