You are stronger than you think you are.
The first time I went to pole dancing and saw the teacher climbing and flipping upside down on the pole, I thought \”Forget about it Silfath! No way you can do that!!\”
I ended up doing all of it AND teaching too.
We have immense capacities and capabilities within us.
A Circle of Women:
Find your Soul Sister

A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embraced it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle.
You will be changed.
The very fabric of your being will be altered by this if you allow it. Please, please allow it.
Deeply honored to have led this circle of 10 goddesses in the middle of nature.